We see it on bumper stickers and we hear it constantly, 'Support the troops.' Now let me ask a question: what does this mean exactly? I wish someone who says this would actually finish the thought and tell me what it means and just how we are to do this. Does it mean we support every word they say and every action they take, whether good or bad? Does it mean that we leave them overseas and send reinforcements? Does it mean that we cannot criticize the President, his Administration and the War? Well whatever it may mean, it ought to never inspire the American people to swallow every word the President speaks, nor should it stop us from criticizing a war that has proven to be criminal, illegal and murderous.
It should never stop the American people from telling the President that we will not be lied to anymore...that we do not want our taxes to buy one more bomb, fly one more plane, ship one more troop, or kill one more Iraqi.
By supporting our troops I mean that the American people need to stand up and fight this corrupt administration and let them know that we do not condone the killing of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's...that we do not like seeing our soldiers maimed and killed....that we are not interested in ruining lives and families...that we abhor the lies and propaganda of a false 'war on terror'...that we are not Imperialists and have no business invading a foreign country.
By 'supporting the troops' I mean very simply that the American people reject the war. I also mean that we tell the President and his cabinet we know what they are doing and that the gig is up....that we know about the scandalous corporate profiteering in Iraq...that we understand the horrors of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the negligence with which our returning troops are treated. We will tell them that we know Saddam Hussein was a puppet empowered and used by the United States and that by killing him was only destroying what we initially created...we know that Iraq has no connection to 9/11 and they have no WMDs...we also know that what they do have is what the U.S. has always wanted -- large oil reserves...we know about the secret wars and coups of the CIA and U.S. Government in the past (in Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, etc. etc.)...we know that our Imperialistic, Bully-minded foreign policy does not 'fight' or 'eliminate' any threat, it only creates terrorists and hatred for America...we know, we know, we know!
And this is the saddest part, that a country built on such great principles and ideals, the "land of the free," is being ruined and villainized around the globe by militaristic officials and greedy corporate scoundrels. Think about it!? Why does the U.S. encounter such hostility around the planet? Very simple, because we are oppressive and brutal to the rest of the world. And then we wonder why they burn our flag and blow up our buildings?
What a sad testimony to the intellect of Americans when they get fooled by a line like, "They hate us for our freedom." This is perhaps the most absurd thing any U.S. President has ever said. In answer to the question, why are there terrorists and why do they hate us, this is the most childish and devious response anyone can voice, and here is the tragedy, (1) it came from the 'leader' of our country and (2) the American people believe it! Listen, NOBODY hates anybody for having freedom...people hate because they are DENIED their freedoms and that is what the U.S. has done time after time, and they continue to do so now. We deny them their liberties, we deny them their land, their resources, their governments, their livelihoods, their houses and their lives -- THAT Mr. President is why they hate us and everyone seems to know it but the Americans.......shame.
Support the troops by bringing them home and ending the the troops by impeaching the the troops by demanding that our military ONLY be used to defend our our troops by educating them into Intelligent Individuals, not Robotic Slaves who kill on the troops by supporting this Lieutenant who refuses to go to Iraq
=49750&cl=1585703&ch=87581& link is not working now)
Steve Scianni
Here's a video I thought I'd share as well.
Yes,war is traumatic.No,the UN can not end it.I saw a picture where a girl was holding a sign "Bombing for peace is like having sex for virginity."(only she used a bad word)
Only Yehovah can end killing and war and injustice and trauma etc..God will destroy everything nefarious and evil.He will not preserve it in flames forever,but instead make sure it doesn't exist anymore.He said there would be no more sin,excluding the possibility that sinners will be alive.And without sin He won't have wrath.Wrath is not what magnifies his holiness,except to eliminate all things that kindle it.."Making all things new" will magnify his holiness.
I can't imagine supporting and participating in a war where we murder our SUPPOSED enemies(even though propaganda is sometimes what makes us believe they are) when Jesus said to pray for our enemies and those persecuting us and that those who kill by the sword will die by the sword.We're supposed to follow Jesus's footsteps closely and I did not see him killing those threatening him.If the governments are controlled by Satan(revelation says the dragon gave the beast its power) then why support the beast led by the dragon?Isn't that ultimately supporting the dragon(Satan)?I'm not sure how anyone cannot see that Revelation and prophetic scriptures are being fulfilled before our very eyes.But then again,since Satan permeates the air and the world. I guess I shouldn't be surprised at the prominence of mass deception everywhere,from false teachings within Christianity to the increasing denial of God's existence to governmental injustices and ceaseless war.

haha..clean it up!!